Now that I'm looking back from the other side of Christmas, I recognise a pattern I have experienced time and time again: the quiet months allow me to ask myself uncomfortable questions, take stock of my work, and explore new avenues. Taking risks, pivoting, letting go of what doesn't work anymore.
As a new momentum is found, and everything seems to fall into place effortlessly, I sometimes forget that this sudden turn of luck is really a delayed reward, the product of my past self working hard and rising to the challenge.
So, as you step into a new year, bound to have ups and downs, remember that hard work doesn't always pay right away. This quarter, I have gathered a few resources to help you keep going when the going gets tough, from 1-on-1 sessions (including free ones) to a VERY CHEAP 6-weeks in-person illustration course, to cozy hobbies to keep your mind free of worries.
Happy creating,

Free Portfolio Reviews
You might already know that I offer 1-on-1 portfolio reviews via Skillshare, but did you know I also participate in Owen Davey's Diversity in the Illustration Industry initiative? Once a month, a series of talented mentors offer their time and expertise to people from marginalised and oppressed communities. These 30min online portfolio chats are a great way to ask all your burning questions, or get your work assessed by pros. If you (or someone you know) match the criteria, make sure to follow Owen on Instagram as those spots get snapped up quick!
Find out more!

6-weeks course: Introduction to Illustration
Wednesday 6pm - 8pm
21st February - 27th March
Coonara Community House

Free knitting pattern
For me, knitting is a wonderful way to carve out some creative ME time. As a professional illustrator, a lot of my creative energy goes to my paid work, and that can take the joy out of it. So, using a totally different medium to create something just for me is the perfect way to reconnect with my creativity outside of work.
That's why I just released a beginners knitting class on Skillshare, featuring my very first original pattern: a super fun, super easy pompom scarf. And I am giving it away for free to my newsletter subscribers! What are you waiting for?
Garden Journal
This year I plan to document our journey to rewild our garden, plant Indigenous species and welcome wildlife to our land. Follow along on Instagram!
Pssst... My first book in English just went to print!
It's still a bit of a secret but keep an eye out for a winter launch!